Take A Stand - District Anti-Bullying Program

The ‘Take A Stand’ program is a pro-active, anti-bullying program that was established for all elementary schools in the 2008-09 school year. The philosophy of the program relies on the partnership of all staff members in order to create a safe environment through which all children can learn. Teachers and counselors work together to deliver the lessons to every student. Letters to parents are available after each lesson to help reinforce the concepts at home, making 'Take A Stand' a truly collaborative effort.

Goals of Take A Stand:

  1. To work proactively to create an environment in which students feel safe in coming to school each day.

  2. To create a collaborative and unified approach which makes staff and parents an integral part of the effort.

The curriculum is built around four lessons, which are delivered in every K - 5 classroom in the district. Lessons are adapted to the developmental level of each grade and are organized across all grades according to the following topics:

Understanding Tattling vs. Reporting

The Definition of Bullying/Cyberbullying/Netiquette

The Difference Between Normal Conflict & Bullying

Learning Effective Strategies to Handle Bullying

Understanding Feelings, Empathy & The Power of the Upstander

2017-2018 Dates

Thursday, Oct. 5

Tuesday, Dec. 12

Wednesday, Jan. 17

Friday, Mar. 16